Working with a certified cannabis testing lab in California may be the secret to unlocking more earning potential for your brand. Certain types of accreditations can improve consumer perception of quality, driving up product prices.

Yet, navigating the landscape of cannabis accreditations and certifications can be challenging. What do all those acronyms mean, and which one matters for your bottom line?

ISO and GMP are among the most crucial ones to watch out for when searching for the right cannabis testing lab. These accreditations can help ensure your products are safe and high-quality. You can learn more about what they are and why they matter next.

Benefits of Lab Certification and Accreditation

Working with a testing lab with cannabis certifications and accreditations ensures the products the brands sell are safe for their customers. For customers, cannabis accreditations and certifications mean you’re buying a high-quality product you can trust.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly common for states to enforce regulations around testing cannabis. Working with certified and accredited labs helps brands meet these standards and reduce business risk.

ISO Accreditation

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) assesses an organization’s ability to adhere to certain global business standards. ISO has created standards for manufacturing, quality assurance, safety processes, and many more.

Regarding cannabis, ISO accreditation is what to look for to ensure a lab can ISO-certify a cannabis product. ISO-accredited labs have the expertise to ensure the product inside the bottle matches the claims made on the label.

What Is the ISO Accreditation?

The ISO accreditation is given to labs and other businesses allowed to assess for ISO standards. An ISO-accredited lab will ensure that a brand’s product is manufactured according to recognized quality assurance and safety standards. It can also grant brands and their products ISO certification.

Businesses with an ISO certification are trustworthy sources for products and services. Receiving ISO certification is a high honor reserved for only the highest-quality, most trustworthy products.

ISO Accreditation vs. ISO Certification

If you are confused about the difference between ISO certification and ISO accreditation, you are not alone. Just remember that testing labs can be ISO-accredited. And testing labs with ISO accreditation can issue your brand ISO certifications.

What Is the ISO Standard for Cannabis?

The ISO standard for cannabis is known as ISO/IEC 17025. It sets out requirements for how labs should carry out cannabis product testing. Labs can get ISO/IEC 17025-accredited for multiple activities, such as:

– Cannabinoid and terpene testing

– Identification of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers

-Mold, insect, and bacteria tests

A high-quality cannabis lab may also hold an ISO 9001 accreditation. ISO 9001 means that the lab has a robust quality management system in place to ensure it puts out only the best products.

GMP Certification

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is regulated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Similar to the ISO, the GMP system involves quality assurance. The difference is that its scope of standards is much smaller.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US also enforces GMP standards. These standards also ensure quality production processes but focus on supplements, medicines, and other items the FDA oversees.

Looking for cannabis testing labs with GMP certification will ensure the final product is as safe and risk-free as possible.

What Is GMP Certification?

GMP certification is a sign that the lab you want to work with has undergone training on quality assurance standards. It also means that the lab has an approved quality management system to ensure high-quality products.

Manufacturers and laboratories with GMP certification put out safer products. GMP training is designed to help workers catch contaminants and other flaws that occur during the production process. Catching these flaws before the last stage of production is crucial since final products can’t be purified.

What Does GMP Mean in Cannabis?

In cannabis, GMP means that a product is made using an FDA-approved production process and meets certain quality standards. GMP certification ensures that a testing lab uses the right base materials and equipment and has trained its staff in quality assurance measures.

Brands and consumers who see the GMP stamp of approval can trust that the product is high-quality and safe for consumption.

Need a Cannabis Testing Lab in Orange County?

The ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and the GMP certification are gold standards in the cannabis testing industry. They will show your customers you care and earn you top dollar for your products.

Are you searching for a cannabis testing lab in Orange County you can trust? Pure Cannalyst Labs offers the high-quality cannabis testing services you need, plus the personal service you may not be expecting. Our owners and operators have decades of experience in the industry and can’t wait to help grow your brand.

Get in touch with us to start testing your cannabis products today.


Cannabis Testing Lab